5B: Complex family meetings: An intentional, skillful, and compassionate approach
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 9, 2024, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
N Rose Gaston, MSW, LICSW, APHSW-C

Delve into the art and science of facilitating complex family meetings in end-of-life care. Master intentional planning and skillful facilitation, enhance communication, empower all for collaborative decisions, and elevate ethical awareness.

Learning Objectives:

  • Enhance their communication skills for leading and participating in family meetings and goals of care conversations, employing best practices for planning, structuring, and facilitating these discussions.
  • Empower their interdisciplinary team with strategies to foster collaborative decision-making with patients and those closest to them in numerous healthcare settings, while addressing psychosocial complexities that often surface in such meetings.
  • Heighten their ethical awareness during family meetings and goals of care conversations, allowing them to navigate complex situations with sensitivity, while upholding patient autonomy and dignity.