Full Name
Lynn Liberman
Job Title
Spiritual Care
Speaker Bio
Rabbi Lynn Liberman was ordained from the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in 1993 additionally earning a Masters Degree in Jewish studies and in 2021, a Doctor of Divinity Degree. She served as a congregational rabbi for over 21 years.Rabbi Liberman is a Board Certified Chaplain now working as the Community Chaplain for the Jewish Family Service of St Paul, a casual chaplain for Our Lady of Peace Hospice and is an on-call chaplain for Regions Hospital, Gillette Children’s Hospital and MHealth Fairview Hospitals. Additionally she volunteers as a Police and Fire Chaplain for the Mendota Heights/West St. Paul Police and Fire Departments, Minnesota State Patrol, is an ARC Spiritual Care Disaster Responder, is on the Metro CISM Team, the Children’s Hospital Ethics Committee and is on the Executive Board of Neshama: Association of Jewish Chaplains. Lynn is a certified Advanced Care Planner with Honoring Choices.
Lynn Liberman