(Specialty) Heart Failure and Palliative Care
Date & Time
Friday, November 17, 2023, 9:15 AM - 9:45 AM
Kelly Cooke

According to the Heart Failure Society of America, there are nearly 6.5 million Americans over the age of 20 who have heart failure. One study estimated that there are 960,000 new heart failure cases annually. The American Heart Association reported in 2022 that the lifetime risk of heart failure is high with variation across racial and ethnic groups ranging from 20% to 45% after 45 years of age. Heart failure patients are vulnerable given their high symptom burden, limited prognosis, and the siloed healthcare system.  With interdisciplinary collaboration, heart failure teams and palliative care can improve the lives of those impacted by heart failure. This session will (1) describe quality of life and prognostication tools, (2) review cardiology guidelines that define integration of palliative approach to care, and (3) review consensus criteria for specialist referral to palliative medicine.
Learning Objectives:

  • Define the palliative care vision
  •  Describe QOL assessment tools
  •  Compare 2 prognostication tools
  • Review cardiology guidelines that support integration of palliative approach to care 
  • Discuss consensus criteria for specialist referral to palliative medicine


Handout: Download PDF