How do I join the virtual summit?

On the day of the summit, you will go to the summit registration website. From there, click the “Event Hub” tab. If you are not already logged in, it will prompt you to. Input your email address and password from registration to enter the conference. If entered successfully, you should open your Event Hub, which will have the sessions you selected at registration.


What is my login and password?

Your email address login and password is what you used to register for the summit. 

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: If you registered as a group and you were not the primary person in the registration you will need to set up your password. Go to the conference registration website and click on "Event Hub." If you are not logged in, it should prompt you to. Then, click on forgot password to set your password for the first time. The password reset email will be coming from "," so check your junk mail if you don't find it in your inbox
  • If you are having issues with re-setting your password, email for assistance.


How do I change my sessions or watch other sessions?

  •  First, be sure that you are logged into your Event Hub. In your Event Hub, it should show the sessions you selected in registration. If you decide you want to change sessions, click on “Agenda” then “View Course” on the session you wish to attend instead. The agenda will only show the sessions available under your registration. 


Where can I view the On-Demand Recordings?

  • You will need to log into the summit website with the email address and password you used for the summit. Click on Agenda, then click on the "View Course" button to watch any session within your registration on-demand. They will be available 2 weeks post-live event until January 16, 2024.


How do I access session handouts?

  • Not all sessions will have handouts, but if they do it will be in their session description. Make sure you are logged into the Event Hub. Then, you can go to the “Agenda” and click on the name of the session you would like to learn more about. There it would show if they had a handout to download. 


Are there Continuing Education credits for the virtual summit?

Continuing Education contact hours will be distributed for this event. Approval to award contact hours for this event is pending from the Wisconsin Nurses Association, the Minnesota Medical Association, the Minnesota Board of Social Work, the Board of Executives for Long Term Services and Supports, and the Certification Board for Music Therapists. For more information, check out our "CE Info" page.  


For more information, who do I talk to?

  • There are two ways:
    • For quick questions, you can go to your Event Hub and a chat box will pop up. If you place your question there, someone from the conference registration team will respond.
    • For longer questions, please email Someone from the registration team will respond to you as soon as they can.